Love and Protect Your Children

By Darin Ford, LGMFT, Program Manager

The Anne Arundel County Department of Health Adolescent and Family Services (AFS) enjoys offering you and your families mental health services year-round. Our highly trained staff continues to work as a team to provide you with the latest mental health practices and resources to help you and your child heal, connect, and thrive. One of the ways we strive to help is by providing trauma-informed, reductive mental health skills for the entire family. Knowing the risk and protective factors related to your child's mental health is the foundation for supporting your children as they move through the therapeutic process. For families, protective factors include:

  • Provide structure, boundaries, rules, tracking and predictability
  • Supportive relationships
  • Clear expectations for behavior and values

Learn more about protective factors for mental health:

Social Media and Family Togetherness

By Octavia Guilbault, LCPC, Clinical Supervisor and Elizabeth Hoover, LCPC


Below are three Instagram pages that assist parents with creating a better parent-child relationship. Many of our clinicians follow them for helpful tips and you may be interested in doing so too!

Instagram Pages:

  • @attachmentnerd
    Eli Hardwood, LPC
  • @mrchazz
    Mr. Chazz Parent Coach, Teacher Coach
  • @projectparentcoach
    Jenny Hwang, Psychologist

Love Yourself!

By Melissa Diem, Office Supervisor

family in car

Sometimes we forget how important it is to take time for ourselves and do something that brings us joy or inspiration.

The Department’s mission is to preserve, promote and protect the health and well-being of all people by advancing health equity in Anne Arundel County.

Improving Your Child’s Behavior

By Jennifer Wiejaczka, LCSW-C, Program Administrator

family in car

Did you know the most effective way to improve your child’s behavior is to spend more quality time with them? Playing with your child and engaging with them in child-centered activities not only improves their social and emotional development but also builds a stronger relationship with your child, promoting their ability to trust and respond to you in a more positive way.

Read the article below for more information:

Craft Ideas:


Ages 4-11

CORA 1st place
CORA 2nd place

Ages 12 and up

AFS Mascot 1st place 12 and up
AFS Mascot 2nd place 12 and up

Medical Assistance Eligibility Reminder

Eligibility for MA is checked monthly. A letter is sent to the families who will no longer be eligible within 30-60 days. Please get in touch with MA to update their paperwork when needed. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call 1-800-710-1447.

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