Lab results from collected water samples take at least two working days to process. Closings and advisories remain in effect until results meet acceptable levels for one or more days. Acceptable levels are determined by the State, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Anne Arundel County Department of Health.
Warning: There is always an associated health risk from swimming in any natural body of water. Natural water bodies contain bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. Disease-causing microorganisms, such as Mycrobacterium marinum or Vibrio vulnificus can enter the body through open cuts, scrapes and wounds. See Preventing Swimming-related Illnesses for more info.

Preemptive Rainfall Advisory
After rainfall of 1/2 inch or more, all Anne Arundel County beaches are under a no swimming/no direct water contact advisory for at least 48 hours due to predicted elevated bacteria levels from rainwater runoff and increased health risks. Do not swim in cloudy, murky water. During the summer swim season, the Recreational Water Quality Monitoring Program will resume its routine sampling following the 48-hour period.

Health Advisory
The Department of Health issues advisories against direct water contact when routine sampling results exceed the EPA acceptable standard for enterococci bacteria or a harmful algae bloom has been identified.

Emergency Closing
The Department of Health issues a closure when a sewage spill, leak or other problem indicates human waste has impacted the water.