SADD/Youth Substance Misuse Prevention Mini Grant FY25

Department of Health Announces Notice of Funding Available through Grants for a peer-to-peer project about mental health and substance use prevention.

The Anne Arundel County Department of Health (AACDOH) is partnering with Anne Arundel County middle and high school Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) chapters, and youth community groups and organizations, to launch a peer-to-peer education project. The SADD Chapter or Youth Serving Organization must have a group of youths aged 11 - 18 and serve the youth residing in Anne Arundel County.

Download The Grant Application

The peer-to-peer education project is an evidence-based strategy designed to educate youth on mental health, substance use and available resources. Students will receive formal training on the signs and symptoms of substance use and mental health crises.

Students are then required to showcase their learning to their peers in a relevant and creative format (i.e., PowerPoint, video presentation, commercial, etc.). The AACDOH is committed to working closely with SADD Chapters and youth community groups to provide technical assistance throughout the grant process.

There is $36,000.00 of limited funding available, divided into 74 SADD Mini-Grants in the amount of $499.00 each. SADD Chapter/Youth Organizations that have completed all the steps will receive awards on a first-come, first-served basis, until funding has been exhausted.

Submit proposals and all supporting documentation to:

All Materials to be submitted by May 2, 2025. The completed activity report, invoice and W-9 can be sent electronically to the email below:

Justin Noel, SADD Coordinator 
Subject Line: SADD Mini Grant


Contact Justin Noel at 410-222-1843 or