Observing and identifying birds from the comfort of your own home may supply endless hours of pleasure and entertainment. The most obvious way to attract birds to your property is by using a bird feeder. However, when seed scatters from the feeder, rats and other rodents may be drawn to the area. 

To enjoy bird watching without attracting rodents, follow these suggestions:

  • Don't overfeed the birds. A small scoop of bird seed is sufficient. You may have to fill the feeder more often, but ground feeding birds will consume scattered seeds between fillings.
  • Be selective. Not all birds eat the same food. Choose your feed according to the birds you wish to attract.
  • Don't throw seeds, peanuts or bread on the ground to feed birds or other animals.
  • Construct a catch pan under the bird feeder. This will greatly reduce the amount of seed that falls to the ground.
  • During the summer months, when natural food is readily available, reduce the amount of food that you supply for birds.

For more information on the prevention of rodent infestation, call 410-222-7192. For information on birds and seed selection, visit your local branch of the public library.