Failed Sewage Disposal System and Private Well Fund

Failed Sewage Disposal System and Private Well Fund helps eligible homeowners pay all or part of the cost to repair or replace a failed septic system or private well, to install a radium water treatment system, or to install other types of treatment systems that reduce contaminants to acceptable drinking water standards.

How does this program benefit County residents and the environment?

Repairs to failing septic systems and private wells help protect the health of County residents and the environmental quality of surface and groundwater. Radium treatment systems reduce exposure to radium, which is classified as a cancer-causing substance.

Low-income households can apply for financial assistance from this program, which is supported by County funds. The Well and Septic System Assistance Program helps eligible homeowners protect their health, the health of their neighbors and the environment. See Program Eligibility.

How does the program work?

A homeowner begins the process by submitting an application for the program to the Anne Arundel County Department of Health. The Department of Health conducts a financial review of the homeowner’s income and liquid assets. Following a successful review, the Department determines the amount of financial help available. Written estimates to install the replacement sewage disposal system, private well or radium water treatment system are obtained by the Department from qualified contractors. The Department reviews the estimates and selects a contractor. The homeowner makes a start-up payment, if required, to the contractor. The contractor installs the sewage disposal system, private well or radium water treatment system in accordance with the Department’s requirements. The Department then inspects the septic system or private well, or collects a follow-up water sample to verify the effectiveness of the radium water treatment system. The remaining payment for services is made by the Department based on the homeowner’s eligibility for the program.

How is a homeowner’s eligibility determined?

Eligibility is determined by a financial review of the homeowner’s income and the income from all permanent residents of the household who are 18 or older. The applicant must be the owner and live at the property. The property must have an existing occupied house and be located within Anne Arundel County. The homeowner must submit proof of income and cash assets that may include current pay stubs, tax returns, bank statements and credit reports. Based on a review of this information, the Department will issue a Certificate of Qualification to eligible homeowners showing the amount of financial help available.

How much financial help is available?

The amount of financial help is determined based on the total household income and the number of persons living at the house. Financial help ranges from 50 to 100 percent of the cost to repair or replace a sewage disposal system, private well or a radium water treatment system. The maximum assistance available is $15,000 per project.

How do I apply?

Application forms can be obtained by contacting the Anne Arundel County Department of Health. Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis, based on the availability of funding. Projects are generally completed within 30 days of contractor selection. A list of eligible homeowners will be created by the Department of Health for projects to be funded in the future if the number of projects exceeds the available funding.

What other septic assistance programs are available?

For More Information, Contact:
Sanitary Engineering Program 
Bureau of Environmental Health 
Anne Arundel County Department of Health 
3 Harry S. Truman Parkway 
Annapolis, Maryland 21401 