Petroleum Constituents in Well Water in Area of Millersville

The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Oil Control Program is conducting a groundwater investigation on private wells within a 1/4-mile radius of an area in Millersville. Petroleum constituents above safe drinking water standards and regulatory levels have been found in some private wells located in the investigation area of the 8400 block of Veterans Highway and the 200 block of Najoles Road. See map

The constituents found include the volatile organic compounds benzene, 1,2-dichloroethane, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), naphthalene and tetrachloroethene. See the Summary Report below and See the Public Health Fact Sheet about the constituents. According to MDE, there is no immediate health risk to the community. There is no indication that the contamination has migrated beyond the study area and properties. The County’s public drinking water, which meets U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards, is not affected by this finding.

MDE has found that there may be several sources for the petroleum contamination; however, no responsible contamination source has been identified. MDE has also required several tank owners to remove underground storage tanks. For a detailed fact sheet on the investigation, see MDE’s website.

MDE, the lead agency with the investigation, is being assisted by the Anne Arundel County Department of Health. Owners of properties with private wells within a 1/4-mile radius of the investigation area have been notified. The Department of Health recommends that these property owners test their well water for the petroleum constituents mentioned above. The Department of Health will assist in reviewing lab results and will provide guidance on acceptable water treatment technologies, where necessary.

For more information, contact the MDE Oil Control Program at 410-537-3442

Summary Report of Volatile Organic Compound Levels For
Veterans Highway/Najoles Road Investigation

Volatile Organic CompoundNumber of Wells with DetectsNumber of Wells With ExceedancesRange (parts per billion – ppb)Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (parts per billion – ppb)


871.16 ppb – 564 ppb

5 ppb



1.03 ppb – 260 ppb

20 ppb

Naphthalene901.2 ppb – 24.3 ppbNONE
1,2-Dichloroethane446 ppb -15 ppb

5 ppb



5 ppb