LocationDate Sample TakenFrequency of SamplesEnterococci CountEPA Acceptable Level
Annapolis SailingDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count5EPA Acceptable Level104
Mayo Beach ParkDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count11EPA Acceptable Level104
Avalon ShoresDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count42EPA Acceptable Level104
WesteleeDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesMonthlyEnterococci Count28EPA Acceptable Level104
Cape St. Claire at Persimmon PointDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count44EPA Acceptable Level104
BayberryDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count1EPA Acceptable Level104
Cape ArthurDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count1EPA Acceptable Level104
Cape St. Claire at Lake ClaireDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count18EPA Acceptable Level104
Magothy ManorDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count2EPA Acceptable Level104
Shore AcresDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count12EPA Acceptable Level104
Twin HarborsDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count1EPA Acceptable Level104
Glebe HeightsDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesMonthlyEnterococci Count43EPA Acceptable Level104
Arundel on the BayDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count2EPA Acceptable Level104
Bay Ridge at Bay DriveDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count57EPA Acceptable Level104
Bay Ridge at River DriveDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count15EPA Acceptable Level104
Beverly Triton Nature ParkDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count9EPA Acceptable Level104
Cedarhurst on the BayDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count1EPA Acceptable Level104
FairhavenDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count2EPA Acceptable Level104
Franklin ManorDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count43EPA Acceptable Level104
Herrington Harbor SouthDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count2EPA Acceptable Level104
Sandy Point (East Beach)Date Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count43EPA Acceptable Level104
Sandy Point (Middle Beach)Date Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count2EPA Acceptable Level104
Sandy Point (South Beach)Date Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count5EPA Acceptable Level104
Moorings on the MagothyDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count1EPA Acceptable Level104
Camp WabannaDate Sample Taken08/07/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count4EPA Acceptable Level104
Ft. Smallwood ParkDate Sample Taken08/06/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count26EPA Acceptable Level104
Arden on the Severn at PullenDate Sample Taken08/06/2024Frequency of SamplesBiweeklyEnterococci Count126EPA Acceptable Level104
Linstead on the SevernDate Sample Taken08/06/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count2EPA Acceptable Level104
Olde Severna ParkDate Sample Taken08/06/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count6EPA Acceptable Level104
Round Bay Main BeachDate Sample Taken08/06/2024Frequency of SamplesWeeklyEnterococci Count6EPA Acceptable Level104
- These samples were collected after rainfall less than a 1/2 inch which may cause high counts
- Location being resampled to verify and assess the high bacteria counts. An advisory may be issued when results do not meet acceptable levels for two consecutive collections.
- An advisory against swimming and other direct water contact has been issued due to a high enterococci count or due to known source of pollution from hazardous debris.