Well and Septic Applications for Building Construction

What properties are addressed under this procedure? 

This procedure addresses single lot development for properties where private well water supplies and public sewer systems are proposed and applies to new construction for existing lots of record and for lots created as part of a subdivision.

What items are needed to apply?

You may apply online through the Land Use Navigator tool, or submit a completed Building Permit Application form and appropriate fees to:

Permit Center         
2664 Riva Road         
Annapolis, Maryland 21401         
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Applications may be completed by the property owner or an agent of the property owner including the developer, builder or a prospective buyer. Provide information on the Application to Construct including tax account number, property owner, applicant, property address and square footage of proposed house.

Before filing the Application to Construct, properties located within 1,000 feet of a waterway or within the Critical Area, should contact Anne Arundel County Planning and Zoning at 410-222-7460. Placing a well within the 100 foot buffer may require a County grading permit or variance.

Submit a Site Plan

Submit a drawn to scale site plan showing property lines, building restriction lines, proposed house location, proposed well location, proposed house size, neighboring wells, well tag numbers and sewer mains within 100 feet of the property, Critical Area lines (where needed) and any proposed or existing improvements such as swimming pools, sheds, garages, decks, driveways, patios and porches. Also include the location of existing or proposed underground storage tanks or storm water management devices.

  1. What are the setback requirements? 
    The minimum setback or distance requirements for a proposed well location include 10 feet from a property line, 15 feet from a road or dedicated right of way, 30 feet from any structure, 10 feet from a gravity sewer main constructed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 50 feet from a sewer force main or gravity sewer main constructed of cast iron or vitrified clay pipe and 50 feet from identifiable sources of contamination, such as underground storage tanks and storm water management devices. For further information about the type and location of sewer mains specific to your property, contact the File Room at 410-222-7049.
  2. What additional information may be needed by the Department of Health for permit approval? 
    An on-site inspection of the property will be conducted by the Department of Health to assure setback requirements for the proposed construction and placement of the private water supply well can be met. Property corners and proposed house location must be identified with labeled stakes prior to the on-site inspection.

Based on the information provided, revisions to the site plan may be necessary. Once a site plan has been submitted and is found acceptable to the Department of Health, a copy of the approved Application to Construct, and a stamped copy of the approved site plan will be forwarded to the applicant. Special well construction measures may be required at the discretion of the Department for permit approval to further protect private water supply systems and groundwater resources from potential sources of contamination.

For more information, contact: 
Anne Arundel County Department of Health 
Bureau of Environmental Health 
Sanitary Engineering Program 
3 Harry S. Truman Parkway 
Annapolis, MD 21401 