Wet Season Percolation Testing
Perc Testing Procedures Where On-Site Septic Systems Are Proposed
What properties are addressed under these procedures?
These procedures address single lot development for properties where individual on-site sewage disposal systems are proposed. They also apply to new construction for existing lots of record, repair or replacement of existing septic system components and septic system upgrades required for building permit approval. State approved Best Available Technology (BAT) nitrogen-reducing units are required on all new septic system installations within the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area.
Before filing the Perc Application for properties located within 1,000 feet of a waterway or within the Critical Area, contact the Anne Arundel County Department of Planning and Zoning at 410-222-7463. Please have your address or tax account number when you call. Placing a septic system or a well within the 100-foot buffer may require a County grading permit or variance.
What items are needed to apply?
1. Apply online, or submit a completed Perc Application to:
The Anne Arundel County Department of Health
3 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis MD 21401
Applications may be completed by the property owner or an agent of the property owner including the developer, builder, sewage disposal contractor or a prospective buyer. Provide information on the Perc Application including tax account number, property owner, applicant, property address, square footage of proposed house and previous perc testing information (when available). Fees are payable to Anne Arundel County as follows:
Properties in certain areas of the County may only be evaluated during the wet season. Wet season testing is scheduled on a first come, first served basis, and it typically occurs between February 1 and April 30. Application and testing deadlines vary from year to year. Call the Department of Health at 410-222-7193 for specific wet season testing dates, application deadlines and to find out whether your property is located in a wet season restricted area.
2. Submit a scaled site plan drawing showing property lines, building restriction lines, proposed house location, proposed house size, neighboring wells and septic systems within 100 feet of the property, Critical Area lines (where needed) and any proposed or existing improvements such as swimming pools, sheds, garages, decks, driveways, patios and porches.
3. For existing platted lots, submit a copy of a property survey, house location survey or record plat. If available, the record plat may be obtained from the Anne Arundel County Courthouse, Document Control Section, First Floor, 7 Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland 21401, 410-222-1394.
How do I schedule the perc test with the Department of Health?
Have your disposal system contractor or backhoe operator schedule an appointment with the area sanitarian at a telephone number listed below:
- Area 1: 410-222-7016
- Area 2: 410-222-7070
- Area 3: 410-222-7274
- Area 4: 410-222-7001
- Subdivision Perc Testing: 410-222-7001
Perc Application and Instructions for Subdivision Development - Commercial Perc Testing: 410-222-7194
Perc Testing Areas
What other requirements apply?
Property corners and proposed house location must be identified with labeled stakes prior to conducting the perc testing. Side property line markers may be required for large parcels.
Perc tests must be performed in the proposed sewage disposal area and in adequate numbers to represent areas for an initial and two replacement septic systems. In general, a minimum of three satisfactory perc tests are required to establish a sewage disposal area. Additional perc tests may be required at the discretion of the Department of Health based on soil consistency, topography, landscape position and overall size of the proposed septic system.
Perc testing results will be mailed to the property owner and applicant following site evaluation and testing. Department representatives will not release results in the field at the completion of testing.
For More Information, Contact:
Sanitary Engineering Program
Bureau of Environmental Health
Anne Arundel County Department of Health
3 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, Maryland 21401